Begin by slicing half an onion, you want these thin.

Throw into a medium heated pan with some olive oil.

Next, take your steak (you need about 4 oz., but use whatever your heart desires) slice it into thin strips, as thin as you can get them. Think philly cheesesteak. Add to skillet with the cooking onions, season generously with salt, pepper and garlic powder.

While thats cooking, make some eggs however your heart desires (fried, scrambled, microwave if you’re f*cking psychotic).

Now we make the breakfast sauce. Take half a 1/4 cup of mayo, half a tablespoon of yellow mustard, half a tablespoon of steak sauce, a dash of garlic powder, freshly cracked black pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice (not required, but with lemon, it f*cks).

Take a bagel of your preference (I’m a sucker for everything bagels as you can tell), cut in half and toast that b*tch.

Now, we assemble. Add breakfast sauce to both bagel slices, steak and onion mixture to bottom, add eggs and a slice of American cheese (I guess you can use cheddar if you have fancy tastebuds) and place the other bagel on top. Cut in half and enjoy!
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